The GMA Pallet: The Workhorse of the Supply Chain

Pallet Centralent

Everyone has been paying a lot more attention to the supply chain than they used to. We talk about disruptions, shortages, and delays. But what about the things that are working right?

It’s time for a shout-out to the GMA-style pallet. It’s the most common, and most popular, style in the North American market for a reason.


GMA stands for Grocery Manufacturers Association, and they set standards for transporting food. They began back in 1908 as the American Specialty Manufacturers of America. Their mission was to tackle some of the horrible food processing conditions being used at the time.

They became the GMA during the 1940s after helping establish the FDA. It was around this time that GMA pallet design started. They were looking for another method of grocery transport standardization.

They struck gold with this pallet. It has gone on to become one of the most widely used shipping products in the world.

Today, the GMA does research and provides information concerning best practices in the food industry.

What is a GMA Pallet?

GMA pallets are also called standard or grocery pallets and the one thing every one of them has in common is its dimensions. They are 48 inches long measured by the stringer and 40 inches wide at the deck boards, and comprise an astounding 90% of all pallets used to ship loads in supply chains around the world.

A GMA pallet is often manufactured with hardwood. There is usually seven top deck boards and five bottom deck boards. The three stringers must be 48 inches long, 3.5 inches tall, and 1.375 inches thick (nominal). The featured image is a great example of the GMA Pallet.

In practice, what matters most are the overall dimensions. The other requirements have been expanded over time to allow other lumber types, configurations, and board thickness. They can have blocks or stringers, but not likely both at the same time.

Those original specs were perfect for the era, and for transporting grocery materials and supplies. The revelation that the 48 x 40 dimensions were ideal for shipping just about everything else made sense because of the number of 48×40 size pallet manufactured and supplied for use. GMA style pallets are transporting a wide range of materials through supply chains. Everything from food to paper to electronics to bulk loads.

Today, you’ll find GMA pallets made from hardwood or softwood, mixed recycled woods, or even cardboard (which don’t do well in the rain).

You’ll also find some 48”x40” with thinner board components which means a lower minimum load-bearing capacity in racking. Even the GMA pallets as a standard shipping platform can be specialized for its unit load to achieve cost savings.

Why is the GMA Pallet so Popular?

The beauty is in the dimensions. These pallets are large enough to move sizable objects and quantities, and narrow enough for reasonably easy placement in warehouse racking and shelving. That combination is where the pallet magic happens.

GMA pallets are used by nearly every industry in the U.S. that ships anything. Manufacturers use them for raw products, consolidating orders, and an infinite number of other applications.

Because of that golden size, there are several grades of GMA pallets. Some people still need to use the original GMA specs. Others are able, based on their industry and products, to use repaired pallets and recycled lumber.

From transporting groceries to shipping nearly anything, the GMA pallet is an unsung hero of the supply chain. Affordably priced and widely available, this is one product that has come through the recent supply chain disruptions like the champion it has been for over half a century.

Our goal at Pallet Central Enterprises is to make sure your need for pallets and other shipping equipment is taken care of with service and efficiency. Our collective knowledge of pallets and shipping are a great fit for many companies and their recycling management needs.

And yes, we love GMA pallets too.


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